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30 Day Song Challenge: Day 4 – Shake your rump

Dance is known as they expression of enjoyment for music.  People all over the world show their appreciation for beats by moving their bodies in sync to the song playing.  Well, maybe not in total sync.  Some of ya’ll have no rhythm.  It’s like counting to “four” skips certain generations.  But for the rest of us dancing is cool.

For me picking a single song that I can dance to is tough.  There are so many, and each gives a certain memory of motion.  Growing up it might have been a simple “foot stomp clap” side to side movement with gospel, or pretending to float over air like a ballerina listening to classical, or even the mosh pits at a punk rock concert.  Many of my favorite dance memories though come from the old 90s days of raves and nightclubs, listening to the latest trance or techno.

Much of the music and dance for that time was based in a culture that I won’t go into much other than to say it was fun.  I think many of my friends from back then never noticed what was actually playing, but instead were focused on their conversations and actions at the time.  The dance movements were wide, colorful, and generated a lot of energy where everyone in the crowd felt as one while moving as individuals.  It is the greatest aerobic workout I can think of for anyone looking for tunes to get you moving.

My song of the day that makes me dance is “Beachball” by Nalin & Kane.  It represents those long nights spent in sweaty rooms letting the base hit my ears.

Prince song of the day that makes me dance is “Erotic City.”  I chose this one because it is often a remix favorite for DJs and producers, but in pure form seems to make the booty shake.

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